June 28, 23
Introduce Redmine GeoTaskTracker(GTT) Plugin in FOSS4G2023.
Georepublic / OSGeo.JP / Japan Unix Society / OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
Redmine GeoTaskTracker (GTT) Plugin https://github.com/gtt-project/ https://gtt-project.org/
Introduce ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Taro Matsuzawa (tw: @smellman, fb: btm.smellman) Georepublic GIS Enginner President, Japan UNIX Society Director, OSGeo Japan Chapter Director, OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan Lead of United Nation OpenGIS/7 core Likes: Breakcore (music), games (RPG/2D STG)
My work & OSS work ● My work ○ ○ ○ ● GIS development via Ruby on Rails / TypeScript / Python DevOps via TypeScript / AWSCDK Smartphone application development via React Native / Flutter OSS ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Modification of libraries used in React Native Modification of libraries related to United Nation Vector Tile toolkit Contributor of OpenMapTiles Contributor of S.M.A.S.H Maintainer of tile.openstreetmap.jp
Redmine GeoTaskTracker Plugin https://github.com/gtt-project/ https://gtt-project.org/
Redmine An OpenSource platform with a long history of task management and workflow to manage progress. Redmine is not only for IT.
Redmine GTT Plugin Plug-in to add support for location information to Redmine tasks, projects and users. Uses OpenLayers and OL-ext.
Features ● ● ● ● ● Locate your issues as point, line or polygon Show and filter issues on a map Specify a project area Store the location of a user Extends Redmine API and more
Locate your issues as point, line or polygon
Specify a project area
Store the location of a user
Smartphone support
Extensive map sources support
API support ● ● Geolocation API Output issues as GeoJSON
Use case
MyCityReport - Citizen Report Platform ● ● GTT Pluginを活用したプロダクト 市民が問題点を投稿して
Hyakumori - Forest Management
Hyakumori use case ● ● ● Digital transformation for forest management Forest data reporting Use S.M.A.S.H to offline survey.
Tokyo Port Terminal Corporation - Port management
Tokyo port terminal corporation use case ● ● ● Digital transformation of port management Direct reporting from user companies on faulty parts, etc. Repair workflows that used to require a stamp have been converted to Redmine workflows, eliminating the need for a stamp.
Workflow example ①Create tasks on the desktop Create and assign tasks from a list of imported data. ②On-site smartphone sharing ③manage with your team Work on site is recorded using a smartphone. You can report the progress of tasks with photos and location information. Work progress status can be shared among team members. External collaboration is also possible.
Similar project QField & Mergin ● ● Focus to data collection Supports Offline GTT Plugin & Redmine ● ● Focus to Project management Supports Offline via SMASH
How to install
Requirement ● ● ● ● ● Redmine >= 5 PostgreSQL >= 11 PostGIS >= 3 NodeJS >= v14 (We recommend LTS version) yarn
Prepare - Enable PostGIS $ createdb -U postgres -O redmine redmine $ psql -U postgres -d redmine -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
Install (1) $ cd path/to/plugin/directory $ git clone https://github.com/gtt-project/redmine_gtt.git $ cd redmine_gtt $ yarn $ npx webpack
Install (2) $ bundle install $ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate $ vim config/database.yml # Rewrite adapter from postgres to postgis $ rails s
Getting started 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go from Administration to Map Sources Add Maps Sources Enable GTT in project Set GTT scope in project settings Add points, lines and polygons when creating new tickets https://github.com/gtt-project/redmine_gtt/blob/main/doc/getting-started.md
Other plug-ins
Other plug-ins ● ● ● ● ● redmine_chatwoot redmine_gtt_fiware redmine_gtt_smash redmine_gtt_assistant redmine_gtt_print Find more plugins at https://gtt-project.org/
redmine_chatwoot ● ● ● Plug-in to give chat functionality to Redmine When a client needs help with something, you can reply via chat. When teammates needs help, you can reply via chat.
redmine_gtt_fiware ● ● Plug-in to work with Fiware Various attributes, such as Redmine tickets, can be output compatible with Fiware (NGSIv2 and NGSI-LD support)
redmine_gtt_smash ● ● Plug-in to work with SMASH mobile application Able to push tasks from SMASH to redmine ○ ● Pull is not yet supported Enables users to survey offline and push when online
redmine_gtt_assistant ● ● ● Plugin to support redmine ticket detailing through ChatGPT API, automatic title generation, etc. Multilingual support Not currently dependent on GTT
redmine_gtt_print ● ● Plug-in to provide printing functionality, including maps, for tickets, etc. mapfish-print is required to use this plugin.
LOBSTA Location-Based-Task-Management https://www.lobsta.org/
Lobsta ● Managed cloud service operated and supported by Georepublic ● Provides Redmine with several plugins including GTT Plugin ● Fixed billing model regardless of the number of users and projects ● Plays well with other FOSS software ● Supports the development of the GTT Project
Resources GTT Project Website: https://gtt-project.org/ GTT Source Code: https://github.com/gtt-project Localization: https://weblate.osgeo.org/engage/gtt-project/ Lobsta Website: https://www.lobsta.org/ Lobsta Docs: https://docs.lobsta.org/ Lobsta Blog: https://www.lobsta.org/blog/