May 09, 18
講演者:Dan Miller(Unity Technologies)
・C# Job Systemを使ったマルチスレッド対応コードの書き方
Intro to C# Job system and Entity Component System A Dan Miller danielmi@unity3d.com @DanMillerDev
Overview ● Terminology and System overview ● Implementing Jobs and Entities ● Building a demo
C# Job System Multi-thread your code in a safe, accessible and efficient way ● API for scheduling jobs that run on multiple threads as well as linking dependencies ● Provides protection from pitfalls of multi-threaded code by giving easy to understand errors messages for things like dependencies and race conditions
Entity Component System A new way for writing high-performance code by default ● Data-Oriented approach to development that allows you to separate data from the processes that manipulate that data. Entity a lookup index (database key) into the parallel streams Components parallel streams of data, grouped by archetype System code that manipulates data
What is Classic The current Object oriented design pattern, GameObjects and Monobehaviors ● ● Data and processes are coupled together Largely dependant on reference types
Memory Layout - Classic ● ● Data is scattered… Loading from memory to cache is very slow...
Extra information and data ● ● ● Unity components contain extra data when referenced Instantiating is a problem Moving data from Memory to cache is very slow
How data is processed in Classic One at a time, on the main thread
How ECS and the C# Job System are different than classic
Bullet ECS Entity Data Player Enemy Render Render Render Position Position Position Spawning Health Health Spawning Render System Health System Spawning System Filter : Filter : Filter : Render Position Health Render Spawning Some complex parallelized behavior Some complex parallelized behavior Some complex parallelized behavior Render Job Health Job Spawning Job
ECS & C# Job System ● Data is tightly packed in memory ● Data is being processed in parallel ● Only worry about the specific data you want to operate on.
How to get Started Today
Available in 2018.1 ● Change scripting runtime version to use .NET 4.x Equivalent (instead of .NET 3.5) ● Change package manifest to include ECS packages
Burst Compiler A new LLVM-based math-aware backend Compiler Technology takes C# jobs and produces highly-optimized code.
Additional Resources https://unity3d.com/unity/features/job-system-ECS
Thanks! Dan Miller danielmi@unity3d.com @DanMillerDev