実践リーンエンタープライズ Barry O'Reilly 来日講演会スライド


October 27, 16





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BARRY O’REILLY Lean Enterprise In Action 実践リーンエンタープライズ 日本語訳:ワイクル株式会社 角征典 @kdmsnr (※スペースの関係で、省略/意訳しているところがあります) @barryoreilly @execcamp #leanenterprise 1


BARRY O’REILLY 2 変化の激しい時代は学習者が未来を担う In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists 学習が済んだ者は過去を生きる Eric Hoffer エリック・ホッファー Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition (1973)


BARRY O’REILLY 3 CREATIVE DISTRUTION 創造的破壊 • 57% of Fortune 500 in 1995 did not make the cut in 2015 57%が2015年に存在していない • 49% of organizations have initiatives to grow via cost reduction 49%がコスト削減で成長 • 29% of organizations have initiatives to grow via new product and services 29%が新製品と新サービスで成長 Board Of Innovation, http://www.boardofinnovation.com/2015/12/21/actnow/


我々の新しいアプリが 我々を救う! OUR NEW APP WILL SAVE US! Googleの検索結果に直接反映可能な新機能 No. Sorry. No one uses APPs anymore. や、ゴメン、誰も使ってないわ。 http://www.wsj.com/articles/google-tests-feature-that-lets-media-companies-marketers-publish-directly-to-search-results-1461874322


MEANWHILE BACK AT BASE その頃、現場では BARRY O’REILLY 個人も仕事も信念もうまくいってないのに、 パフォーマンスが上がると思ってる? How do you expect to enable high performance while individuals, functions and beliefs misaligned? 5


EMPLOYEE GAP 従業員のギャップ Gallup's State of the American Workplace, http://www.gallup.com/services/178514/state-american-workplace.aspx BARRY O’REILLY 6


企業のパフォーマンス 「デリバリー ギャップ」 WHAT COMPANIES THINK 企業の思惑 vs. vs. 顧客の意見 WHAT CUSTOMERS SAY Cognitive bias impede our ability to identify knowledge gaps 提案がすごいと思ってる企業 顧客の同意 認知バイアスが 知識ギャップの特定を妨げる Bain and Company Closing The Delivery Gap http://bain.com/bainweb/pdfs/cms/hotTopics/closingdeliverygap.pdf


EXPLORE 探索 Developed a scientific, data-driven paradigm for business model innovation, product development and customer engagement ビジネスモデルイノベーション、製品開発、顧客エンゲージメントのための 先進の科学的なデータ駆動のパラダイム


STOP WRITING. START LEARNING 書くのをやめて 学習を開始 Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation 多機能/多様性で知識共有 Collaborate as a cross-functional group to improve knowledge sharing Move to evidence based decision-making 実証ベースの 意思決定へ移行 Create a framework to tell your story is a systematic and structured way BARRY O’REILLY 9 ビジネス仮説の可視化 共有とフィードバック Quickly map out a business hypothesis Share it with stakeholders for feedback 話が体系的で構造的だと Adapt plan based on validated learning 伝えるフレームワークの作成 検証による学習にもとづく Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp計画の調整 http://www.execcamp.com


HYPOTHESIS-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT 仮説駆動開発 利益評価フレームワーク Framework for evaluation of benefit What do we want to learn? 何を学習したいか? どんなデータが役立つ? What data could help us? Seek feedback from stakeholders 関係者からのフィードバック BARRY O’REILLY 10 優先順位と意思決定 Prioritize and sense-make What is the first experiment? 最初の実験は? Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


BARRY O’REILLY 11 DESIGN FAST FEEDBACK LOOPS 高速フィードバックループの設計 Eric Ries, The Lean Startup


BARRY O’REILLY 12 G0 AND SEE 現地現物 • Get Out Of The Building 建物の外に出よ • User research done by the people developing the products • 開発者によるユーザー調査 Challenge beliefs and underlining assumptions 信念と基本的前提に対する挑戦 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


STOP TALKING. START TESTING 議論をやめて テストをしよう 建物の外に出よ Get Out Of The Building Test with real customers 本当の顧客でテスト BARRY O’REILLY 13 学習の扱いは? Capture and publish their feedback What will you do with the learning? フィードバックを チームで共有 次の実験は? across the team What is the next experiment? Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


BARRY O’REILLY 14 CONTINUOUSLY SOURCE FEEDBACK 継続的ソースフィードバック • Make it easy to collect feedback from across the entire organization 組織全体からフィードバックを • Setup a working version of the latest iteration for people to use 最新版を使ってもらう • Ask for anonymous feedback 匿名フィードバックを求める • Make people feel included 一体感を感じてもらう Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


CAPTURE IDEAS IN SITU ありのままのアイデアを獲得する ks. DESCRIPTION AND NOTES: write, draw or sketch how your idea wor TITLE: CATEGORY STREAMLINE OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL BENEFIT CONVERSION FUNNEL cost reduction Commercial (viability, financial) process improvement CUSTOMER ARCHETYPE IMPROVE EXISTING PROPOSITION CREATE NEW PROPOSITION PRIMARY FOCUS Digital Natives Family Traveller Affluent Indulger Mainstream Traveller Value Vacationer Purposeful Business High Flying Globe Trotter Flying Practitioner Air Warrior Value Business __________ __________ __________ TYPE OF BENEFIT Acquisition Activation pain relief Retention Revenue Technology (feasibility, innovation) Referral 2 gain creator Experience (desirable to customer) 1 15 http://jonnyschneider.com/blog/idea-cards


MAKE IDEAS VISIBLE アイデアを見える化する Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


Aspirational vision BARRY O’REILLY 熱いビジョン Customer hypotheses 顧客仮説 Design experiments 実験の設計 Story map Data / feedback to validate ストーリーマップ 検証するデータ/ フィードバック Blow Up The Business Case https://barryoreilly.com/2015/04/14/blow-up-the-business-case/ 17


OUTCOMES NOT OUTPUT 結果ではなく成果を • • • BARRY O’REILLY 18 Cycle time from commit to production from 8 weeks to 11 minutes コミットから本番までのサイクルタイム:8週間→11分 Doubled conversion コンバージョン2倍 Total transaction value per customer increased >150% 顧客あたりの合計売上:150%以上増加 "This is fantastic! How do we achieve this for all our teams?” Scott Miskimens, CTO Travelocity Global 「すばらしい!どうやってうちのチームが?」


ACCELERATE 加速 Discover how to out-learn and out-execute your competition 競合他社よりもズバ抜けて学習し、ズバ抜けて実行する方法を見つける


BARRY O’REILLY 20 “ We are doomed to failure without a daily destruction of our various preconceptions ” Taiichi Ohno 毎日いろんな先入観を壊していかないと失敗するだろうね(大野耐一)


DELIBERATE PRACTICE 意識的な練習 BARRY O’REILLY 21 「改善のカタ」モデル A teachable model of a scientific way of thinking and acting 思考と行動に関する科学的な方法の教えることが可能なモデル Mike Rother Toyota Kata, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mrother/Materials_to_Download.html


SET THE DIRECTION BARRY O’REILLY 22 方向を設定する クロスファンクショナルチーム CROSS FUNCTIONAL TEAM 主要目標 その他の目標 成功要因 発見 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com




VALUE STREAM MAPPING バリューストリームマッピング • • BARRY O’REILLY 24 エンドツーエンドの流れ、サイクルタイム、改善機会を調査するツール A tool used to investigate end to end flow, cycle time, and opportunities to improve Process steps and the people involved in each step are recorded, as well as the key metrics: • • • processing time プロセスステップと関係者が記録されている。それと主要指標: lead time プロセスタイム、リードタイム、完成と正確性の割合(%C/A) percentage accurate and complete Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com




BARRY O’REILLY 26 IMPROVEMENT KATA 改善のカタ 実際のステップ 前進しようとするのではなく、 前進するための実験をする チャレンジ 知識の限界 次のターゲット状態(期限) 実験 現在の知識の限界で 現状 Mike Rother Toyota Kata, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mrother/Materials_to_Download.html






SHARE AND SEEK FEEDBACK フィードバックの共有と獲得 BARRY O’REILLY 29 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


仮説駆動開発 HYPOTHESIS-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT 我々は信じている[この機能が] [この成果を]もたらすことを [計測可能なシグナル]があれば確信が得られる どうすればターゲット状態に 行けると信じられる? How we believe we can move towards the target conditions 成功の計測可能なシグナルは? What would be our measurable signal for success ターゲット状態まで実験する Design and run experiments to move towards target condition How To Implement Hypothesis-driven Development barryoreilly.com/2013/10/21/how-to-implement-hypothesis-driven-development/




HYPOTHESIS DRIVEN IMPROVEMENT 仮説駆動改善 BARRY O’REILLY 32 WE BELIEVE THAT showcasing work as soon as it is complete 我々は信じている[作業が完了したらすぐに展示すれば] WILL RESULT IN reducing our work queueing time [作業キュー時間の短縮を]もたらすことを WE WILL HAVE CONFIDENCE TO PROCEED WHEN [次のイテレーションでサイクルタイムの15%短縮] があれば確信が得られる we improve our cycle time by 15% in our next iteration Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


BARRY O’REILLY 33 RADAR レーダー Later Next Now • Map out hypotheses 仮説をマップにする • People, Process, Tools and Technology • Now, Next and Later • Board vision of our direction for 人、プロセス、ツール、技術 現在、次、これから improvements 方向性と改善の広いビジョン • First experiments to start with 最初に手がける実験


RUN EXPERIMENTS 実験 BARRY O’REILLY 34 Humble, Molesky, O’Reilly, Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate At Scale


BARRY O’REILLY 35 RUN EXPERIMENTS 実験 投資に制限をかける LIMIT INVESTMENT SET BOUNDARIES 境界線を設定する Humble, Molesky, O’Reilly, Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate At Scale


BARRY O’REILLY 36 教訓を共有する SHARE LESSONS LEARNT Showcase experiments, discoveries and revised current condition 実験、発見、修正した現状 をプレゼン Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


BARRY O’REILLY 37 INSPECT AND ADAPT 検査と適応 Later Next Now • Evidence-based approach 実証ベースのアプローチ • Capture and share new knowledge • Identify new obstacles • • 新しい知識の獲得と共有 新しい障害物の特定 Use validated learning to inform next steps 検証された学習を次のステップに Continuously re-align direction, plan and execution 継続的に方向性、計画、実行を調整 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


TRANSFORM 変革 Grow a highly aligned, high velocity organization by creating a culture of experimentation and learning 実験と学習の文化を作り、高度に連携された高速な組織に成長させる


EVERY CXO BRIEFING… EVER すべてのCXOが概要説明...延々と 我々には変革が必要 WE NEED TO TRANSFORM Meaning everyone else needs to transform, not the executive themselves Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com 経営者「以外」 の全員が変わらないと


CHANGE THE SYSTEM OF THINKING 思考のシステムを変える BARRY O’REILLY 40 Humble, Molesky and O’Reilly Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovation At Scale (O’Reilly, 2015)


CHANGE THE SYSTEM OF WORK 仕事のシステムを変える BARRY O’REILLY 41 How To Change Culture: Lessons From NUMMI, http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/how-to-change-a-culture-lessons-from-nummi/


BARRY O’REILLY 42 INNOVATION IS NOT BORN IN A ROOM イノベーションは会議室で生まれてるんじゃない IT IS BORN WHERE THE WORK HAPPENS それは現場で生まれてるんだ @barryoreilly




CHANGE THE SYSTEM OF WORK 仕事のシステムを変える BARRY O’REILLY 44 Humble, Molesky and O’Reilly Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovation At Scale (O’Reilly, 2015)


CHANGE THE SYSTEM OF WORK 仕事のシステムを変える BARRY O’REILLY 45 Humble, Molesky and O’Reilly Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovation At Scale (O’Reilly, 2015)


BARRY O’REILLY 46 GREAT LEADERS 優れたリーダーたちは DON’T HAVE BETTER ANSWERS… 優れた答えを持っていない…… THEY ASK BETTER QUESTIONS 彼らは優れた質問をする @barryoreilly


COACHING KATA: 5 QUESTIONS コーチングのカタ:5つの質問 • • • 実験(do) What is your Target Condition? ターゲット状態は何か? and run 仮説立案 (plan) What is your Actual Condition now? 現在の状況は何か? What Obstacles do you think are preventing you from reaching the target condition? What one are your address now? • • (do Create (check (plan ターゲット状態を妨げる障害は?どれに取り組んでる? What is your Next Step? [Next Experiment] What do you expect? 次のステップは?(次の実験)何を期待してる? How quickly can we go and see what we Have Learned from that step? 何を学んだ?それをいつ見れる? BARRY O’REILLY 47 model and implement 結果調査 (check) (act モデルの進化 と変化の導入 (act) Mike Rother The 5 Questions, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mrother/KATA_Files/5Q_Card.pdf


BARRY O’REILLY 48 VISUALIZE END TO END FLOW エンドツーエンドの流れを見える化 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


BARRY O’REILLY 49 TRANSFORMATIONAL TARGET CONDITIONS 変革的ターゲット状態 WE BELIEVE THAT by deploying Improvement Kata 我々は信じている: 改善のカタを実践することにより THEN WE WILL increase adaptability and resilience それから我々は: 適応力とレジリエンスを向上させる WE WILL KNOW THIS IS TRUE WHEN 以下だったときにそれが真実だと知る CUSTOMER 顧客 ‣ 80% of our customers agree that we have improved our quality of service 80%の顧客が我々のサービス品質が向上したことに合意する ‣ 80% of our customers agree that we solved their issue first time 80%の顧客が我々が最初に課題を解決したことに合意する ‣ 80% of our customers score as supporters on Net Promoter Scores 80%の顧客がネットプロモータースコアのスコアに貢献してくれる Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp, Transformational Target Conditions


BARRY O’REILLY 50 TRANSFORMATIONAL TARGET CONDITIONS 変革的ターゲット状態 WE BELIEVE THAT by deploying Improvement Kata 我々は信じている: 改善のカタを実践することにより THEN WE WILL increase adaptability and resilience それから我々は: 適応力とレジリエンスを向上させる WE WILL KNOW THIS IS TRUE WHEN 以下だったときにそれが真実だと知る HEALTH 健全性 ‣ 80% of our teams agree collaboration has improved 80%のチームがコラボレーションが改善したことに合意する ‣ 80% of our teams agree transparency has improved 80%のチームが透明性が改善されたことに合意する ‣ 80% of our teams agree they have all the tools they need to perform their work to a high standard 80%のチームが仕事のツールが高水準になったことに合意する Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp, Transformational Target Conditions


BARRY O’REILLY 51 TRANSFORMATIONAL TARGET CONDITIONS 変革的ターゲット状態 WE BELIEVE THAT by deploying Improvement Kata 我々は信じている: 改善のカタを実践することにより THEN WE WILL increase adaptability and resilience それから我々は: 適応力とレジリエンスを向上させる WE WILL KNOW THIS IS TRUE WHEN 以下だったときにそれが真実だと知る PERFORMANCE パフォーマンス ‣ 80% of our teams can demonstrate meaningful progress for feedback in a timely manner 80%のチームが期日までに意味のあるフィードバックの進捗を示す ‣ 80% of our teams aim to achieve outcomes over output as a measure of progress 80%のチームが進捗の計測として結果よりも成果の達成を目指す ‣ 80% of a teams customers agree they have increased their effectiveness in serving their needs 80%のチームがニーズに答えられるようになったと合意する(原文が?) Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp, Transformational Target Conditions


IMPROVE QUALITY OF INFORMATION 情報の品質向上 BARRY O’REILLY 52 Humble, Molesky and O’Reilly Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovation At Scale (O’Reilly, 2015)


BARRY O’REILLY 53 現地現物 Go and See where the work happens 信頼関係を構築する控えめな調査 Humble enquiry to build trust and relationships リーダーシップと自律性の拡大 Scale leadership, autonomy and reduce cognitive load with the 5 Questions 5つの質問で認知的負荷を削減 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


TRUST CADENCE リズムを信頼する BARRY O’REILLY 54 チームワークは信頼。 信頼はメンバーがデリバリーできると信じること。 信頼は何度も進捗を見せることで作れる。 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


VISION SPEAK WITH REAL CUSTOMERS 本物の顧客と話をする ビジョン refine define 定義 洗練 成果 信念 OUTCOMES BELIEFS test テスト learn fast, succeed faster 高速に学習、高速に成功 refine the vision through validated learning Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com 検証による学習でビジョンを洗練 55


BARRY O’REILLY 56 FEED LEARNING INTO NEXT CYCLE 学習を次のサイクルにつなげる Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


EVOLVE 進化 Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com BARRY O’REILLY 57


A MUTATION MACHINE 変化するマシン BARRY O’REILLY 58 James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, Page 155 (1994)


CONCLUSION 結論 Transform continuously. Not transformation change 変化するのではなく、継続的に変化する。




10 PRINCIPLES TO TRANSFORM 変革のための10つの原則 BARRY O’REILLY 61 • THINK BIG, Learn fast, Start now! • Executive mandate, sponsorship and support • Right people, right place • Act our way to a new culture • Build the right thing, then build it the right way正しいものを作り、正しい方法で作る 大きく考え、高速に学習し、すぐに始めよう! 経営幹部の命令、助成、支援 正しい人、正しい場所 新しい文化に向かう • ビルドの瞬間まで Small, fast, frequent delivery to build momentum 小さく高速に頻繁にデリバリー Create feedback loops with our customers 顧客とフィードバックループを作る • Adapt our approach based on validated learning • Demonstrable evidence for future investment decisions 投資判断可能な証拠を見せる • Scale out learnings to cross the chasm • 検証による学習で手法を適応する キャズムを超えるように学習をスケールアウトする Barry O’Reilly, 10 Principles To Transform www.barryoreilly.com


ExecCamp Break The Model. Reinvent The Business Barry O’Reilly, ExecCamp http://www.execcamp.com


EXECCAMP TESTIMONALS “Barry was instrumental in the conception and formation of an 'innovation engine' at lastminute.com. Not only were we able to identify and develop winning ideas at pace but the whole organization was reinvigorated by an approach which delivered measurable results. Doubling revenue for the business” BARRY O’REILLY 63 “Barry helped AIB, the largest retail bank in Ireland, achieve a step change in its digital journey. By combining his senior level communication skills with his deep insight on how to leverage technology at scale, he influenced key stakeholders across the bank to do things differently.” Allan Molloy John Crosby Chief Product, Trading and Commercial Officer at Head of Customers, Channels and Payments, lastminute.com and ex-CIO AutoTrader Allied Irish Bank “Barry has a really synthetic view, which is key to reduce challenges to small iterations that help getting quick feedback and re-adapting to maximize value. He really understands lean and agile methodologies and sees how they can be used, not only in startups, but even in larger, more complex companies.” Samuel Lacarta Chavarrias Commercial Director, Vueling “Barry approach of driving very early customer testing well ahead of when it would normally be done - in parallel with developing the bigger vision - forces a focus on minimum viable product and early proof points. This proved to be very engaging in our business for stakeholders up to board level - instead of 'here is a big programme - trust us' the message was 'here is a game changing initiative and you can touch and feel the first steps of it’. Barry brings a very practical style and methodology to bear which empowered the team - so we really owned the outcome and developed both as a team and as individuals.” John Mornement Head of Sales and Distribution, British Airways.


Client Testimonials THINK BIG | LEARN FAST | START NOW business impact by achieving outcomes “Barry is exceptionally good at leading teams in the process of “Agility in a digital world is no longer optional and if you don’t embrace to build and test in fast iterations, getting results that may not be someone else will. Barry can take you and your team on a journey towards development projects for me at JustGiving and helped us test our ideas such as Lean Product Development and Workload Visualisation in order to everyone energised and more productive after each interaction” address every aspect of our thinking from just in time architecture towards new product development. He gets the team to use the lean toolkit experimentation and value based decision making in your market, then achievable in other ways. Barry led a team in delivering two product disrupting the disruptors and then, like us, you will learn to use techniques very quickly and effectively. He is an excellent coach to the team, leaving make the right "customer-based" decisions. These techniques also made us Anna Kuriakose Chief Product Officer, JustGiving continuous delivery and hence cutting cycle times in half in order to deliver new products and platforms more frequently. In fact we went from huge twice yearly releases to multiple releases per day. This way of working not only energises the team but it enables innovation though learning and more importantly builds mutual respect between “Barry constantly challenged what others held to be sacred in order to deliver a series of rapid proofs of totally new concepts for JustGiving; and together we explored the complex boundary stakeholders which may be broken.” Fin Goulding CIO, Paddy Power BetFair between business fundamentals and software development to forge experimental new practices." Richard Atkinson CIO, JustGiving © 2016 ExecCamp. All rights reserved.


THANK YOU ありがとうございました Barry O’Reilly Entrepreneur and Business Advisor Author of Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organization Innovate At Scale barry@barryoreilly.com CEO and Founder, www.execcamp.com linkedin | twitter | blog Email info@execcamp.com for slides and 3 sample chapters of Lean Enterprise