April 21, 19
2019/4/21 高機能オムロンセンサで遊ぼう!マイコンボードろんろん会@京都(ALGYAN関西支部)
SeeedKKの中の人。Microsoft MVP for Internet of Things。
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ Wio Extension RTC ReButton Azure IoT Central
高機能オムロンセンサで遊ぼう! マイコンボードろんろん会@京都 2019/4/21 Takashi Matsuoka
Takashi Matsuoka (@matsujirushi12) 「e」3つ 2017~ MVP for Windows Development Wio LTE Wio 3G Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) Center CLR - YouTube MT3620 DevBoard LINE Simple Beacon / LINE Things
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ ✓ 屋外でも繋がる ✓ 混信に強い ✓ ハード拡張可能 ✓ 電源断OK https://technology-camp2018-fall.soracom.jp/
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ CPU Wio LTE STM32F405RG Grove 6個 セルラー 通信 LTE Cat.1 SIM nano SIM 消費 電力 大 利用可能 国 日本 Cortex-M4 松岡 使用SIM SORACOM Air SIM plan-D Wio 3G SORACOM Edition STM32F439VI Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) STM32F439VI 6個 3G eSIM搭載 中 世界 Cortex-M4 (SORACOM Air SIM) 6個 Cortex-M4 LTE Cat. nano SIM 小 日本 M1/NB1 SORACOM Air SIM plan-KM1 Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) SoftBank Edition STM32F439VI Cortex-M4 6個 LTE Cat. M1/NB1 nano SIM 小 日本 (SoftBank)
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ Seeed STM32F4 Boards by Seeed Studio Wio LTE Arduino Library by Seeed Studio Seeed STM32F4 Boards by Seeed Studio Wio LTE for Arduino by Seeed K.K. SeeedJP STM32F4 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio 3G for Arduino by Seeed K.K. SeeedJP STM32F4 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio cell lib for Arduino by Seeed K.K. SeeedJP STM32 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio cell lib for Arduino by Seeed K.K. SeeedJP STM32 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio LTE for Arduino by Seeed K.K. Wio LTE Wio 3G SORACOM Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) Arm Mbed Enabled
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ CLOUD AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud, … SeeedJP STM32 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio LTE for Arduino by Seeed K.K. Wio LTE Wio 3G SORACOM Wio LTE M1/NB1(BG96) SeeedJP STM32 Boards by Seeed K.K. Wio cell lib for Arduino by Seeed K.K. MjGrove PHYSICAL Button, Barometer, Gas, Buzzer, Relay, Servo, … ボードマネージャのURL: http://www.seeed.co.jp/package_SeeedJP_index.json
Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ ✓ Wio LTE/3Gシリーズ ✓ ReButon対応予定 https://github.com/matsujirushi/MjGrove
Wio Extension RTC
Wio Extension https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1794078830707447 https://www.seeedstudio.com/Wio-Extension-RTC-p-4002.html
Wio Extension ✓ 一定時間後に電源ON ✓ 定期的に電源ON USBケーブル ✓ 指定日時に電源ON USBケーブル Groveケーブル ✓ 4Kbytes EEPROM
Wio Extension
Wio Extension まだ公開されていない!? 公式ドキュメント https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Wio_Extension_RTC/blob/master/README.md 非公式ライブラリ https://github.com/matsujirushi/MjGrove/blob/dev-wiortc/src/Extension/WioExtRTC.h
ReButton Seeed ReButton IoT development tool • Momentary button • Multiple click scenarios • Indicator LED • Wi-Fi enabled • Extensible with Grove sensors https://twitter.com/SeeedJP/status/1051771382835634177
ReButton Azure IoT Central - IoT SaaS Solution Wi-Fi ReButton Button LED User Wi-Fi Access Point Internet Azure IoT Hub - Cloud Gateway -
ReButton Seeed ReButton IoT development tool • Momentary button • Multiple click scenarios • Indicator LED • Wi-Fi enabled • Extensible with Grove sensors https://twitter.com/SeeedJP/status/1051771382835634177
ReButton I2C Grove connector Jumper switch RGB LED JTAG pads AAA batteries PUSH BUTTON UART for debug SWDIO SWCLK
ReButton Arduino IDE Visual Studio Code
ReButton Image ReButton Image Debug Adapter Image Azure Storage PC
ReButton https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/events/decode/2019session/detail.aspx?sid=IT81
Azure IoT Central
Azure IoT Hub = Cloud Gateway Cus tom Cloud Ga teway Device Device Custom Protocols (Cl oud Service, VM) Management app Device registry/Management Monitoring Send commands AMQP, MQTT, HTTPS Applications - Companion apps - Dashboards - Controllers - … Device Field bus / protocol Field Gateway AMQP, MQTT, HTTPS Device Device Field bus / protocol Device Field Gateway OPC, HTTP, CoAP,… VPN/ExpressRoute Custom Cloud Gateway (Cloud Service, VM) Management app Device registry/Management Monitoring Send commands Build 2018 – BRK3803 Azure IoT Platform services - The modern IoT developer toolbox
Azure IoT Hub A2 A1 older A3 newer Event Hubs Message Streaming A3 A2 Event Publisher A A1 Partition 1 Partition Key X B2 B1 Event Publisher B A3 A2 B2 B1 A1 Event Reader Consumer Group #1 Offset, Checkpoint / partitions A3 Partition 2 B2 Partition Key Y B1 B2 A2 A1 Consumer Group #2 B1 Event Reader Event Reader Partition 3 2(F)/2~8(B)/2~32(S) partitions ~20 comsumer groups ~5 readers/comsumer group https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-features
Azure IoT Hub Communicate a Device and Azure IoT Hub IoT Hub Device-to-cloud messages Physical Device File uploads C2D messages Direct methods Desired properties Reported properties Partition ~7days Consumer Group Blob Storage Partition ~2days DeviceTwin Desired Reported
Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Central
Azure IoT Central IoT Central Measurements Data Export Storage Physical Device Telemetry D2C messages State Rules Email Event DeviceTwin Webhook Settings Desired Reported Analytics Functions Properties Jobs Logic Apps Commands Dashboard Flow
Azure IoT Central どのデバイスを使うか問題
Azure Sphere ビジネスを見直し、 革新を推進し、 顧客を満足させるのに役立つ、 安全性が高い接続済み MCU 搭載 デバイスを作成するための ソリューション。 Secured OS Secured MCU Cloud Security https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/services/azure-sphere/
Libraries in Azure Sphere SDK Application Azure Sphere SDK Application Libraries libapplibs libazureiot libcurl Azure IoT Device SDK for C Multiprotocol file transfer library libc C POSIX library (musl libc) libgcc_s GCC low-level runtime library 34
2018/11時点 AVNET 「e」3つ MT3620開発ボード $84.90 MT3620チップ < $8.65 https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/pricing/details/azure-sphere/
現在 Avnet MT3620開発ボード $84.90 Avnet Avnet Avnet Modules MT3620チップ < $8.65 AI-Link USI Avnet Starter Kit $75 Mini Dev Board $34.90 WF-M620-RSA1 $19.90 Combo Module https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/blog/azure-sphere-ecosystem-accelerates-innovation/
Modern Development for IoT devices Announcing Azure Sphere Hands-on Seminar
Azure IoT Central DEMO
Azure IoT Central https://youtu.be/EZWZbriy8e4
絶対圧センサ 非接触温度センサ 感震センサ https://github.com/matsujirushi/MjGrove